Crisis Response in Migration Context
London, 27 July 2023
The research in Floor4Africa Programme has already been a great base for at least one-year postgraduate study we will deliver at the Africa Studies Unit in the academic year 2023 / 2024. The curriculum will include not only almost all SDGs' issue or efficient local community activation process, but also intercultural psychology and history of Africa (incl. modern slavery issues). We'll carry out this unique project in our two leading languages: English and Polish.
Good job!
London, 24 July 2023
We've already completed the procedure of passing our SDGs' certificates on to all donors of the school bridge in Kibera slum. Our Stanislaw managed to meet also Dr. Lothar Hickmann in Germany. This kind gentleman's 500 EUR let the local community build southern 4-meter-long part of the most beautiful and the most important bridge in the whole world... in our opinion, of course! You see, you can live your life in the West but you can do great things in global South. Many thanks to all of us, we've done well what we understand well. Next implementation of the Floor4Africa Programme will take place also in Kibera. We'll activate local community in other part of that informal settlement for a concrete floor. Some school we know well is patiently waiting for about 120sqm of our approach to better health and more efficient education. Imagine, total budget for that will be only 600 EUR. It's enough to do so a lot!
Not much that changes much
London, 16 June 2023
Finally, they were able to meet each other. It's not easy when you are a businessman these days. Our Stanislaw invited one of donors of the new school bridge - Mr. Hannes Czilwik (a lawyer from Mannheim), to collect his well-deserved SDGs' certificate. He supported the local community in Kibera slum in Kenya. Only 500 EUR was enough to let local professionals build northern 4-meter-long part of that important bridge. Such a little change from the European point of view. But when you live in a slum and one of your fears disappears, such a change means a lot. Great job and our pleasure - the Floor4Africa programme works so well in research and post-research scopes. Local communities in rural and slum areas of Africa don't need much to do much when they co-operate with people like us. What makes us even more happy? It's the fact that now we know well there's no space for any discrimination, prejudice or racism in the western part of the world we co-create for good.
World Environment Day
London, 5 June 2023
Here we go with the World Environment Day! Our Joyce arranged a great challenge for children and students to make their little part of our big world a bit different. We can't clean everything at once but a little part can be cleaned when you've got anything to clean. You know our research always relates to public health issues and other SDGs. We focus on concrete floors in schools because they are easy to create everywhere in Africa. They are also easy to clean, even when you've got nothing but rain water. Plastic waste is a huge problem in African urban slums. We are so proud our scientific impact programme implies very important local community growth.
Happy Children's Day 2023
London, 1 June 2023
The most unique Children's Day to us today. This year our scientific impact & crisis response programme brought not only concrete floors to school children. We expanded our professional experience to turning school toilets and bridges from an academic research into reality of local communities in urban slum and rural areas of Africa. Our unusual mission is focused on delivering micro-infrastructural change first of all to children. They deserve such simple, obvious and scalable solutions as safe passage to school, good conditions of classes and period-poverty friendly time of learning. As you see, our methodology works everywhere. We are so excited about it!
Here go many thanks
London, 26 May 2023
The school-bridge challenge in Kenyan Kibera is our another little success for SDGs in slum and rural areas of Africa. Here we start with expressing thanks for all the engagement in our research and following local community activation. So, the first certificate "Great Responsibility Adepts of SDGs in Africa" has come to Raimund & Uschi Porr. They had known before what kind of scientific and social innovation good we do in Africa. Therefore, they wanted to support the local community of Kibera with 1/3 of the total project implementation. The central 4-meter-long part of the school bridge people of Kibera built thanks to those kind German family living far away from Kenya. Other 2 certificates will be delivered soon too. And a few more to our Kenyan team, as well. This great programme of ours is treating all people the same good way they deserve.
School and... Hospital Bridge!
London, 22 May 2023
Citizen Radio Kenya talking with people about what we have done with Floor4Africa scientific impact and crisis response Programme in Kibera slum in Nairobi. Looks like 'school bridge' is also 'hospital bridge' in local community views! In fact, there's the Highrise Undugu Level Two Hospital located very close to the bridge. Members of the public can use the bridge to get safely for a medical help now. It's great, isn't it?! You can do so much when members of the local community co-operate for general good without a need of paying anything. And it happens even when the total budget for the whole project is only 1500 EUR (incl. always free of charge research). Listen to all those people who speak so nicely in Swahili.
Joyce and the school bridge
London, 21 May 2023
Listen to our Joyce, who perfectly looked after the Floor4Africa Programme activities in Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya. She recorded a short video showing how easily school children and members of the public use the new bridge now for the local community good. Her comment makes us so proud that such a small social innovation programme brings such a big change to slum and rural areas of Africa. If you know about similar challenges any local community face in any remote part of Africa, let us know. We'll do the research at first and we'll consider what we can do together with your local community for its strength.
School bridge: BEFORE & AFTER
London, 18 May 2023
Have a look at this great BEFORE and AFTER video. It's comparing conditions of crossing the old and the new school bridge in Kibera slum, Nairobi (Kenya). Kids are not used yet to crossing the new bridge. Many of them still hold the rail as they had to do it before. It takes time to get used to a good change. Next school year will be like some new stage of local community life in that part of our small world.
4 Steps to Social Innovation
London, 17 May 2023
People ask how we can do so much without doing much by ourselves. We don't build anything by ourselves but we are identified as a programme solving health, education and work issues in slum and rural areas of Africa. We are so efficient with what we do because we are professionals in Social Innovation. We activate all possible resources we've got access to: 1 - RESEARCH; 2 - AWARENESS; 3 - COOPERATION; 4 - SUCCESS. Most of us are academics keen on research in public health, inclusive education and local labour market in slum and rural areas of Africa. Research makes the local community aware that people can do even a little change when they work together. The main condition is to co-operate the way we find as fair and progressive for all. We don't do any private initiatives with the F4A. We do everything to activate the local community strength. When finally, such a school bridge turns real, everyone is happy and proud with every small piece put in the final success.
Bridge & Floor
London, 16 May 2023
Here we go with our scientific impact and crisis response project for SDGs in Kibera slum, Nairobi (Kenya). Look at those people! All of them are local construction services professionals keen on the local community development. This time we translate a school bridge from the simple research into real world. Concrete floor - obviously - is also here: northern & southern parts of that school bridge will have concrete-floor-like entries. We love those people!
Micro-infrastructural change
London, 15 May 2023
Our Joyce is preparing for talking to Kenyan media about activation of the local community by means of such a micro-infrastructural change as new school bridge in Kibera. As you see, this small bridge makes a big change! Looks like Mr Owayo's team does a great job for their local community. We are so excited about it!
Satelite view
London, 14 May 2023
"Floor4Africa" never excited us this way before. You know what we do? We watch the satellite view of the school bridge we work with in Kibera. And we wonder when does Google update the map?! What you see on the right is still the wooden something that was used by the school children and members of the public over there. The new bridge structure will be even more visible from the space! As you see on the left, the base is massive, firm and non-slippery to let kids and people take safe passage. All the works should be finished in the coming week.
Just in time
London, 13 May 2023
This is the last chance to see what school children and members of the public had to go through while crossing the old bridge in Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya. People said no more to injuries, after the research we did over there. Now the team of local construction services professionals, led by Mr Philip Owayo, is in action for a real-world change. As you get, small things imply thinking big enough to make life easier in slum and rural areas of Africa.
Environmental Action
London, 12 May 2023
Great news from Kibera today. Our Joyce met local authorities and she arranged a new local action for environment-related SDGs. What will happen? Local community will clean all the plastic waste from that little river! It will be a great implication of our research leading the local community of Kibera not only to a new, safe school bridge but also to such a crucial change. When we did the assessment of the quantity of the plastic waste over there, we realised it can be ca. 2kg/sqm. Now imagine the length of the river close to the school: 50 meters. And its width: 10 meters. So, there can be 1000kg of plastic waste. And it will be removed thanks to our simple scientific impact project!
Medicine & Law
London, 11 May 2023
Scientific impact is when people admire the research the way they want to support the follow-up carried out by the school. So, the southern part (4-meter long) of the new bridge is turning real thanks to Dr Lothar Hickmann from Germany. And the northern part of it (also 4-meter long) is turning real thanks to Hannes Czilwik also from Germany. We took the picture of the old bridge while standing on the northern part. Follow our BLOG to see how small things make big changes!
Raimund & Uschi
London, 10 May 2023
Meet Raimund and Uschi, our friends from Germany. They retired not much time ago and what they do now? They support the school bridge project in Kibera! 1/3 of the bridge, in fact. And we can add, it's the central part (4-meter long). All the bridge will be 12-meter long and its durability can be like 20 years (even with the estimated number of users). The research showed that it will reduce the number of injures significantly. You saw how the old wooden something looks like. Stay tuned to see the new one. School bridge project should be finished before the end of this month.
Media Promotion Lead
London, 7 May 2023
We've got a new team member! Her name is Daga. She is an experienced film and advertisement producer based in Warsaw, Poland. She will be a Lead for the Media Promotion. Our micro-infrastructural impact project Floor4Africa is growing well. We just need new professionals adding new values to the way we carry out the mission. Bringing grassroots change to local communities in slum and rural areas of Africa meets Daga's social innovation passions too.
Step by Step
London, 5 May 2023
Whitney Houston used to sing: "Well, there's a bridge and there's a river that I still must cross..." The school bridge in Kibera slum starts to be replaced by a new strong structure. Thanks to our Stanislaw, we've got three donors from Germany, who support this project we implement. It's a medical practice, law company and... couple of elders who understand well the need of carrying out such micro-infrastructural projects as our Floor4Africa. The impact we do in a relatively small dimension, brings big change to the way people think about slum and rural areas in Africa. We build small bridge to build big awareness that it's possible to do more for more people. Yesterday our local Project Manager - Joyce, met Diana - the Headteacher of the Joash Olum Highrise Primary School in Kibera. They spoke about the complex process of our project implementation and decided to invite local authorities and media for new bridge opening. We are very excited!
Great news from our great Project Manager! Joyce has already managed to choose a proper Head of the school bridge construction in Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya. His name is Philip Owayo. He is a well-recognised local construction services professional in Kibera slum, fully accepted by the local authorities. We require a proper experience with refurbishing bridges, because the bridge of the Josh Olum Primary School has to be very strong. We aim at providing safe passage for school children, parents and members of the public. The wooden one shouldn't be in use anymore.
Our representative - Ada Gorka, took part in the International Developement Committee meeting at Westminster. We prove such grassroots projects as the school bridge we do in such places as urban slums make life not only better in Kibera but also let Europe improve efficiency of developing activities in Africa. Our works start on Monday, the 1st May. We celebrate International Workers' Day in Europe. Most of Africa work the way people do as usual over there.
Here we go with our return to the Parliament. 2020 was the last time any member of our leaders' team paid visit at Westminster. Roman was invited for a conference of the African Development Bank. It was just before the COVID-19 pandemic. Now our Adriana attends coming meeting of the International Development Committee. Very good news!
We are so proud to announce the International Development Committee of the British Parliament has included our evidence on "Investment for development - the UK’s strategy towards Development Finance Institutions". What we know now, thanks to our experience with carrying out Floor4Africa impact and crisis response project, new ways of international development are definitely possible. Grassroots activities, creating jobs and future in slum and rural areas of Africa, require co-operation with local influencers and team building for SDGs. Only then it works well!
Floor4Africa & Pandemics
London, 11 March 2023
Today is the third anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic. WHO declared it on 11 March 2020. That time we even didn't expect our project can have anything to do with pandemics. We deal with soil-transmitted NTDs, when you consider "Floor4Africa" in the Public Health prism. But finally it appeared that COVID19 virus can last on the dust particles over two weeks. Therefore, we realised what a value we bring to prevention of such a pandemic. When you can clean the concrete floor at schol or at home COVID can't spread too easy. We know well that all schools and family houses in Africa should have concrete floors. People ought to be able also to learn and live in conditions preventing pandemics. As you see, it's so easy to provide concrete floors. It doesn't take more than $5/sqm. Cleaning is so obvious but ca. 500 million Africans still are not able to do it in the 21st century.
One planet but two worlds
London, 7 March 2023
A big debate is on in the UK right now. The topic: migrants coming illegally to this country in small boats via the the English Channel. Our professional experience doesn't let us think this problem can be solved at once. Even technological progress, incl. robots and drones, can be not enough to solve the issue all the world has with migrations these days. What we know well, grassroots impact projects like our "Floor4Africa" work also with preventing migration very well. Our research shows that up to 40% surveyed people want to stay at home and develop their local community environment, when they see how easy is to start a real fight against poverty they experience over there. So, all the Europe is facing raising issues regarding migrations. It is possible to reduce their number significantly, in fact. But we really have to understand that illegal immigrants are not only smart men, who can afford to get here in small boat. Migration mostly starts when someone can't cope with poverty anymore.
Poverty & Education
London, 5 March 2023
When we visited Kibera slum in Nairobi last time, it appeared that a cup of tea with milk can be found as a breakfast for many children supposed to stay and learn at school. Such 'meal' can have not more than 60kcal. Providing safe 300kcal more to them is so easy these days. There are instant porridges and fruit jellies you can put in a mug and just mix with hot water. They can significantly increase the efficiency of education, in fact. And the total cost is even less than 1 USD only. You know we build concrete floors for about $5/sqm. Optimisation is our domain: "It doesn't take much to change this world of ours so much!"
Local Development in Africa
London, 25 February 2023
Nigeria decides about the future today. Nigerians vote in general election. All our fingers crossed for that unique country. We carried out the F4A implementation i.a. in Ajegunle, Lagos. This is a good example how our scientific impact and crisis response project works with SDGs in local development prism, for the slum and rural areas of Africa. When we have built the concrete floor in Ajegunle school in Lagos, they are able to build strong walls now (thanks to the local community engagement). When people see how easy and efficient can be co-operation for SDGs, they want to do more and more. Concrete floor is a base for everything else. Have a look, we are so proud!
F4A Impact Development
London, 15 February 2023
Roman and Stanislaw paid visit to Kibera - one of the biggest urban slums in Africa. They were joined by our Joyce and her creative nephew Tirus, together with three local community officials. The Kibera experience was so touching and extensive that we decide to deliver a symposium on it, still this academic year. Discussion over issues related to poverty, social inequalities in urban slums is a must, in our professional opinion. We'll invite social sciences specialists, activists and stakeholders to talk about the reality we faced in that slum. What is crucial now, our impact project has to be upgraded. Looks like we start to build bridges too. Some refurbishment has to be done to the bridge many children go to that public school we've started to co-operate with in Kibera.
Meeting with Joyce
London, 8 February 2023
Floor4Africa researchers are in Nairobi now. Roman and Grazyna met their friend Joyce in Nairobi. They spoke about schools located in the biggest African slum "Kibera". Moreover, they had a great conversation about the West Pokot county in north-western Kenya. Taking into account the number of schools with internal soil floor only, that Kenyan county can be a model for delivering a systematic improvement of the quality of learning conditions as well as crisis response jobs. So, more meetings to go. Let's see what the nearest future can bring to Floor4Africa impact project.
Back to Kenya
London, 1 February 2023
Floor4Africa researchers go back to Kenya. Our crisis response and scientific impact project was created in Kenya in 2018. Now we return with a lot of field experience, many more team members onboard and new strategic goals. Today we are not focused on SDG3 and SDG8 issues. Today we do the SDG4 and SDG1 solution too. The project development led us to the stage we can implement it in any part of rural and urban slum areas of Africa. Now we can provide instant access to work even for migrants and illegal immigrants to integrate and re-integrate them with local communities for good. New flyers: ready to go!
LONDON, 16 MAY 2022 / 15 April 2023
We are proud to announce our Floor4Africa project is among social innovations the British Partliament is presenting as a proof of the efficiency in international development and fight against poverty... DETAILS: International Development Committee + Parliament.UK